3 Ways Automated Voicemail Messages can Increase Callbacks

With constantly changing regulations and evolving behaviors, reaching consumers, let alone receiving a call back from them, is becoming increasingly difficult. While there are plenty of challenges that are hindering your agents from converting on calls, there is one technology solution that can help increase your call backs and overall traffic – automated voicemail messages. 

3 Ways Automated Voicemail Messages can Increase Callbacks

1. Eliminates the ‘disruption mentality’.

In a recent study done by Martech, 96% of consumers said that a phone call disrupts their day. If you take a second to put yourself in the shoes of the consumer, this comes as no surprise. In order to combat the ‘disruption mentality’ of your consumers, simply put the power in their hands. Automated voicemail messages allow your agents to leave a message on a consumer’s mobile phone without it ever ringing. No ring equals no disruption, leaving the consumer with an untainted perception of the business trying to help them pay their debts.

2. Puts the power in the hands of the consumer.

Automated voicemail messages puts the power back into the hands of the consumer. When consumers feel that they are in control of the situation they are more likely to pay on their debts. Think of it this way – if you received an unsolicited phone call in the middle of your son’s football game about an unpaid debt, would you feel in control of the situation and ready to pay? Or would you feel slightly blindsided? Now, what if you spent the whole game cheering him on, uninterrupted, and checked your phone after the game to find a personalized voicemail reminding you that you need to pay on an unpaid debt? Chances are you (and most other consumers) would be more inclined to call back on the latter. 

3. Increases both your quantity and quality of reach.

DirectDrop Voicemail, in particular, allows your agents to reach thousands of contacts with the push of a button, generating about 4x the inbound calls from consumers seeking resolution at a fraction of the cost of manual dialing. With the convenience and ease of a voicemail over an outbound call, these inbound calls drive more conversions from consumers who want, and are ready, to pay on their debts. 

DirectDrop Voicemail is designed to complement your current strategy while enhancing the convenience for both your consumers and your agents. To learn more about how DirectDrop Voicemail can help your business, reach out to us here or use our ROI calculator, that can be found on our website to see what it can do for you.

Todd Santa Maria: