Our VoApps team recently attended the ACA International Convention & Expo on July 28-30 in Las Vegas. We had such a great time reconnecting with the ARM industry, learning from industry experts, and looking forward to the future of what’s to come. 

As our team reflects on the convention, the word that keeps coming to mind is – energetic. It was rejuvenating to be back in person with friends, clients, potential new prospects, and the entire ACA community. 

Here are our team’s 4 takeaways from the convention: 

1. Nothing beats face-to-face communication

In-person interaction allowed for a lot more in-depth conversations to be had, questions to be asked, and tips to be shared. It was inspiring to see how much people have been learning while dealing with the pandemic and the new normal and how generous they were to share with others. Handshakes, hugs, elbow bumps, waves – all so good!

2. The CFPB’s Reg F was the hottest topic, still creating lots of uncertainty and questions  

The whole convention and its gathering of experts was great for answering a lot of those questions. People were asking us specific questions, so we were happy to clear up how favorably Reg F treats our technology and allows for its use in debt collection.

We also got official word while we were at Convention that the regulation is definitely going into effect on November 30, 2021. For more information from ACA on how to prepare, click here.

3. Agencies are worried about the effects of the Hunstein decision and what it means for working with vendors

It was reassuring to hear from many experts that they don’t expect long-term detrimental effects with the Hunstein decision in the 11th Circuit about transmitting information to vendors. Many panelists insisted it is an anomaly and not worth worrying too much about, or ending vendor relationships, or all the doom and gloom that at first it might have brought about.

We’ve always felt fine about it because we take no PII from our clients, but other vendor friends of ours were not too worried about it either, which was very good to hear.

4. The industry as a whole is banded together

There was a sense of cohesiveness throughout the entire convention. You could sense that everyone there was willing to help share information and band together to help one another navigate the waters of new industry regulations and laws. 

The ACA International Convention is always a great example of what it looks like to collaborate, share information, educate, and be a part of a group that’s greater than your singular business. Our team can’t wait for Fall Forum in Chicago and Convention next year in Orlando! We will see you there.

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