On October 30, 2020, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued its final, long-awaited final ruling. The new ruling was designed to help debt collectors avoid litigation and stay compliant, but it is technical and needs to be looked at closely. 

The main reason for the new ruling was to solve the foti problem. The foti problem is essentially what a debt collector can and can not say on a voicemail while staying compliant with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). 

Among the most recent ruling was the introduction of the term limited-content message. 

What is a limited-content message? 

According to the new ruling, a limited-content message is “what information a debt collector must and may include in a voicemail message for consumers (with the inclusion of no other information permitted) for the message to be deemed not to be a communication under the FDCPA.” (CFPB) 

A limited-content message must include the following criteria: 

  1.  A business name for the debt collector that does not indicate that the debt collector is in the debt collection business but not the name of the consumer 
  2. A request that the consumer reply to the message
  3. The name or names of one or more natural persons whom the consumer can contact to reply to the debt collector
  4. A telephone number that the consumer can use to reply to the debt collector 

The limited-content message can also include the following: 

  1. A salutation
  2. The date and time of the message
  3. A generic statement that the message relates to an account
  4. Suggested dates and times for the consumer to reply to the message

To review the full ruling, click here. 

As you can see, these new regulations can be complicated and difficult to navigate. At VoApps, compliance is our top priority. We are committed to consistently staying up to date with new rulings and legislation, so we can help fuel your business with DirectDrop Voicemail while also remaining responsible and in line with the TCPA and FDCPA regulations.

We have already had several clients come to us asking for help with their limited-content messages. Don’t let your competitors get ahead. Stay compliant and communicate quickly with your consumers. 

Want to know more about DirectDrop Voicemail and how it can help your business? We would love to connect. Reach out here or call us at 855-910-6706.

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