Utilizing Alternatives to the Zortman Message with DirectDrop Voicemail

For decades, the Zortman message has been the industry standard for leaving a voicemail after an unsuccessful attempt in reaching consumers. However, with consumers demanding personalization across all facets of their life, it’s time to reconsider how we’re communicating via voicemail, and what we can do better to drive more callbacks. 

At VoApps we’re redefining what it means to effectively communicate with consumers by reframing the mentality of a voicemail from an unsuccessful attempt to the first point of contact. By directly dropping a voicemail in the consumer’s voice mailbox without ever calling the phone, you’re able to begin the resolution lifecycle there, rather than interrupting them with an unsolicited phone call. 

Because the voicemail is your first touchpoint with the consumer, it’s vital that the voicemail you’re leaving meet the personalization criteria that consumers expect. For this reason, we’ve developed the option for businesses to create customized alternatives to the Zortman message in order to better interact with consumers. 

Alternative Zortman Message Options

1. Create your own customized message.

Who knows how to speak to your consumers better than you? In lieu of the Zortman message, we give businesses the opportunity to craft their own unique voicemail message to send to their consumers. This means you have free reign of the script, tone of voice, the pace of the message, greeting, conclusions, steps to take after the message, etc. 

We’re firm believers in doing things the most efficient way possible, so we give you multiple options for uploading your customized message as well:

  • Directly upload a pre-recorded voice file
  • Call your own mobile number and record a message; it will then be uploaded directly into your campaign

2. We’ll create a customized message for you.

If you still want to create a customized message for your consumers, but you don’t like your voice, or you’re looking for something very specific, we’ll help you out. We have a staff of dedicated voice specialists who will create your desired message based on the criteria you give us:

  • Gender preference
  • Tone preference
  • Voice pace
  • …and more!

Whether you choose to create your own message or have us make one for you, you’re sure to create better interactions with your consumers and drive more inbound calls from those ready for resolution. If you’d like to get a free demo of DirectDrop Voicemail to see what it can do for your business, reach out to us here and we’ll get you started right away!

Todd Santa Maria: